The information below outlines how we protect your privacy. Our clients, applicants, and consultants are subject to this privacy policy, including all personal information (information about these individuals) that we collect.

The information below describes how we collect your personal information, what we do with it and with whom we share it. We will also describe how we will obtain your consent to our collection, use and disclosure of your personal information, and how you can contact us with any questions or concerns that you have relating to our privacy principles or your personal information.

Consent Requirement

We will only collect, use and disclose your personal information with your consent. Internally, at GSI, all information collected is accessible to our Sales, Recruiting, and the Accounting/Operations team so that you may be provided with the best possible service.

When you send us your resume, CV, profile, any other personal information or come in to an interview, you are consenting to GSI adding your profile (resume, contact information, key skills) to our ERP/CRM.


Personal Information collected including that provided on resumes, CVs, profiles and your contact information is never sold to outside individuals or companies. Our ERP/CRM is used to search for applicants and consultants for positions with our clients, to contact those individuals, and to gain their permission to represent them in a specific position or to send their resume to one of our clients.

Information We Collect

Types of Personal Information We Collect

  • Contact information

  • Types and frequency of consulting needs

How We Collect the Information

  • Verbally

  • Via the internet (for example, GEDS)

  • Via Email

How We Use the Information

  • To provide consulting services

  • To share information about GSI or related consulting matters


Is defined as:

Those we provide consultants to, and those we contact periodically about their current or future consulting needs.

Types of Personal Information We Collect

  • The Applicant`s resume, CV or profile as submitted by the Applicant including personal contact information, email, address, telephone number, type of position sought, employment history, education, availability, salary expectations, and other related information necessary to assess suitability for placement.

How We Collect the Information

  • From the Resume, CV or Profile Submitted

  • Applicant contact in person, by phone, or by email with one of GSI’s representatives.

How We Use the Information

  • To arrange an interview

  • For inclusion in our proposals only after express applicant consent has been obtained specific to that proposal

  • The information sent to our firm relative to placement opportunities is kept on file for future opportunities.


Is defined as:

Individuals registering for consulting opportunities with GSI who have sent us their resume, CV, profile, personal information in relation to a current or future opportunity. Any person who has been on contract, past or future, with our firm.

Security Clearance Verification and Duplication

GSI may inquire about current or past Security Clearances for the purpose of verifying the clearance with the Government of Canada and/or duplicating the clearance to our firm.

Types of Personal Information We Collect

  • Security Clearance Information (level of clearance, location of clearance, file number if known)

  • We may ask an Applicant or Consultant if they are interested to fill in Security Clearance forms, administered by our Company Security Officer (CSO) and seen only by the CSO or Alternate CSO.

How We Collect the Information

  • Verbally

  • Via Email

How We Use the Information

  • To place consultants in positions that require the level of Security Clearance they possess.

Removing Your Records from our Company

Simply e-mail or call your contact at GSI and ask that your record be deleted. If you have been an Assigned Employee or Subcontrator, GSI will have to keep information according to Revenue Canada Laws - but only that information that is essential to Revenue Canada will be retained. All other personal information will be destroyed twelve months after you ceased to be an Assigned Employee or Subcontractor.


GSI ensures that the personal information it collects and uses is protected against unauthorized access, unintended disclosure, or theft. This protection is provided by a password protected database and a secure hard copy filing system.